Turnover Analysis


Is turnover a problem for you? Is your turnover rate accurate from what you should expect in the labor market? What variables are associated with your turnover rate? These products can help you obtain a clear picture of turnover within your organization and provide viable applications to improve retention.

core elements of turnover analysis

It may be tempting to think of turnover only in terms of what creates a vacancy that a manager will need to replace. In effort to aid all stakeholders in the State of Utah to understand key nuances, every turnover analysis includes the following three dimensions:


Terminations are defined as employees who leave the State of Utah.


Transfers are any instance where an employee leaves the unit of analysis (agency, division, etc.), except by a termination.

internal movement

When an employee moves within a unit of analysis, for example a promotion within the division, this is not considered turnover. We provide this as a separate metric.

Business Unit Performance Analysis

Correlate your performance data to key human capital trends in your organization and discover if there is a correlation. If a correlation is discovered, evaluate what can be done to deliver the best outcome.

Cost of Turnover (coming soon)

Understand the cost to your organization from turnover to better understand when expenditures to reduce turnover are or are not justified.

Copy of White Paper: Turnover

White Paper

Read our turnover white paper here.